Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Week in Honduras

So far our trip to Honduras has been AMAZING. The people are great, the food is just delicious, the country– words cannot describe the beauty.
Upon arriving on Monday, January 4 we were recieved with open arms. Immediately we went to try the ever so famous Baleadas. We had heard plenty of talk about them, so we had to go find out for ourselves what they were all about. Turns out they were DELICOUS. The rest of the day we got to see our OYE apartment, got a chance to unpack and settle in, we visited the OYE office and just familarized ourselves a bit. It was the start of a busy week.
We visited the Nutrition Center, where they help to rehabilitate kids who are malnourished and Copprome, where they have children that have no where else to go. The rest of the week we got to meet the OYE staff and some of the amazing becarios that they have. We had a panel where we had the opportunity to ask them questions about what makes OYE such a big part of them, what they hope to see happen with OYE in the future. We did fun activities like an iron chef competition and a scavenger hunt around el centro with the OYE kids. With those activities we were able to interact and we had a chance to get to know them more.
We visited one of the kids´home where they treated us with great care. We were able to see where she came from and the enviroment she comes from. We were able to visit her old school, it was a school building of one level and about four class rooms, one of which they used as an office. We went to the teacher´s house where we were invited in for a Pepsi (everywhere you go, Pepsi is what you´re offered).
Friday Mary Clay (our professor) left for the United States, once she left reality sank in, it was the start of what we came here to do. That Friday night we got to experience some of the San Pedro nightlife. we visited 3 different clubs, each one had different things to offer. The music was amazing, we all had a great time, and danced the night away.
We woke up early Saturday for our journey to Copan. It was a 3 hour bus ride from Copan had a great small Pueblo feel to it. It had tons of culture, history, and a variety of different people. We stayed at a hostel named Blue Iguana, the rooms were very nice and we were well taken care of. The following morning we went on a tour of the Copan Ruins, it was a 2 hour tour, our tour guide Antonio was amazing, he knew so much, and spoke several different languages. The ruins were like nothing i had seen before, it felt unreal to be there.
I´m excited to see what more Honduras has to offer, and we can offer to Honduras. It definitely was a great start to our 4 month journey in Honduras.

1 comment:

Justin Eldridge Otero said...

What a great story teller!! I feel like I was there! Wish i had been there for Iron Chef, i can only imagine the platters you all made on a 100lps budget.
Abrazos to all!