Monday, August 10, 2009

This is a true story...

"This is the true story... of six friends... who chose to come to together and have their lives changed... to find out what happens... when people stop living mundane... and start getting real...OYE Honduras."

A few months ago a few acquaintances decided to travel together to Honduras to learn about the situation and make a difference. Last week, they came together to support OYE, specifically it's radio program. The visionaries changed a small corner of OYE's offices into an incredible sound booth for our Radio program. Together with the students and staff these volunteers worked daily to create a sound proofed box in the corner which will provide our students with a safe professional space to broadcast their ideas and use their voice as a powerful tool in their community.

The week wasn't all work of course. They became close with OYE students who gave them tours of El Progreso's center, markets and showed them first hand their city. The explored Honduras's natural beauty by playing in local waterfalls and visited the beach's to the north of Progreso. They also helped at the Nutrition Center, played soccer with the winners of COPA OYE, and much much more!

There was so much to experience this week that I will leave it to them to tell you, check back this week to hear about their experience in their own words.

It is with pride and excitement that OYE can announce that these six acquaintances have become family and have joined OYE to continue fighting poverty, and empowering at-risk youth.

Here is a quick look at the constructin of OYE's new sound booth:

The first few nails were laid under Oscar's watchful eye.
The walls finally went up on tuesday!

Next step, window and the begining of the sound proofing!

Big step, here is the finished product, door with mural extending the mural from JMU, and another mural insipred by Edoardo's original artwork for OYE el Ritmo.

We had a big party to celebrate the inaguration and got to record with all the students! It was truly a triumph and the product of a strong community working together.


Mateo said...


Justin Eldridge Otero said...

This looks like such a great project Kat. Extending the JMU mural was a great touch.

Next stop, OYE Mi Ritmo on XM Radio

Eduardo said...

Felicidadaes por ese gran trabajo!!

Un fuerte abrazo para toda la familia de OYE!!