OYE volunteer and film-maker Richard Lakin visiting Rosa Yorleni Sevilla, OYE Scholar, and her family |
During this week's DeAngela's Dish, we're interviewing Richard, co-founder of 18 rabbits digital media. 18 rabbits promotes social
entrepreneurs, international development, educational institutions, NGOs,
corporate social responsibility, non-profits, and community outreach projects
through a strategic program of multimedia and internet distribution.
mentioned that after working with OYE six years ago that he always had a desire
to come back to Honduras to work with OYE again. He mentioned how impressed he was with the work OYE accomplishes with
such few resources. Richard also said OYE is the “most effective” NGO he has
seen in action. OYE staff members are actually out in the community helping to
effect change in the lives of Honduran youth, which he found impressive.
Richard plans
to chronicle and analyze a social media project to raise the
visibility of OYE. Children in Honduras will participate in the campaign
through their own facebook accounts and other social media venues. The project
has been going for about two weeks and seems to be getting attention from
many people across the world. The project has definitely created quite a buzz in the OYE office.
So to the interview!
D: What are
some of the goals you wish to accomplish working on this project for OYE?
R: I would like
to help raise global visibility for OYE which will hopefully lead to more
funding sources and develop an “open-source social media strategy.” Last but not
least I'd like to create a template for other small organizations to be able to use by
chronicling the process with OYE.
D: How do you
feel about the work you have done thus far on the project?
R: The project
has been successful in that is has received “hits” from over 70 countries.
D: Have you run
into barriers since you started your work on this project?
R: Yes, and the
one that is most intriguing is the reluctance of professionals around the
world to offer suggestions as to how this project can be made better or what
good things the project has done thus far. There are experts across the world
that could and/or should be offering more suggestions.
D: How do you
think OYE has changed since you last worked with the organization?
R: It is
difficult to answer this question because the last time I was here (six years
ago) I was only here three days. I was able to observe but so much; I will say
that OYE is the “most effective” NGO I have seen in operation. Its’
effectiveness caused me to have a desire to come back and work with them again.
D: What has your experience been like working with OYE staff?
R: I admire OYE staff,
volunteers, and members of the executive board, who are out in the “field” doing
work. I remember
filming Ana Luisa, and at the time she was very sick. She was recovering from
Malaria. Ana Luisa’s
story is a prime example of what individuals see when they come to OYE. Staff
are actively involved and engaged in the change process for Honduran youth, no
matter the circumstances.
Although this
was a short interview it was a pleasure getting to interview the person who is behind this fascinating initiative. Richard Lakin seemed surprised when he first heard of
being interviewed, but he humbly and thoughtfully answered the few questions.
He also shared how many views (hits) the website has received today (66).
R: And I haven’t
even posted anything new today. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn seem to be the
places in which most people view the project.
After reading
this blog please be sure and check out the blog.
DeAngela Alexander is an OYE intern and student at Mary Baldwin College.