OYE received a $500 grant from Disney! OYE will be organizing a project to promote environmental protection, which includes not littering, a significant problem throughout Honduras. Stay posted for more information about OYE's project.
Welcome to the Organization for Youth Empowerment blog! OYE is a nonprofit organization working in El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras. Visit www.oyehonduras.org to check out our official website and read up on our mission, programs, staff, etc. Come back to this site to get an insight into daily life at OYE.
On Saturday, February 19th, OYE board chair Trish Ahern, her 87 year old mother, Pat Kerndt from Lansing, Iowa, her sister Gretchen Kerndt from Fairbanks, Alaska and Trish’s husband, Patrick Ahern visited the new OYE offices in El Progreso, Honduras. The new OYE office, which they are still moving into, is awesome!
The training includes classes organized by OYE staff for the scholarship leaders of the radio, sports, visual arts, and magazine programs, as well as training sessions for each of the teams of students who make up these programs. More general training sessions are carried out with the scholarship recipients at large and cover topics like “What is OYE?”, “Self-Esteem,” “Sexuality,” “Personal Goals,” and “Family Disintegration,” among other topics.
In addition to preparing the scholarship recipients for future leadership within OYE, the capacity-building sessions seek to empower the individual, providing a means to address and discuss areas of insecurity that may influence the actions and emotions of the youth. While the discussions are led by OYE staff, who range from 21 to 28-years-old, the students play an active part in directing each of the training classes with their questions, comments, and observations.
This week's capacity building class focused on "Self-Esteem" and involved the scholars studying the characteristics of people with varying levels of self-esteem through improvised dramatizations, along with other activities.