Saturday, August 7, 2010

Watch the numbers grow: Sustainable giving

Here are two things you can do to help OYE's numbers grow! 


1. Become a sustainable donor- OYE has a cause page on Facebook which allows you to donate anywhere from $5 - $1,000,000 a month. Great right! Think about it. In minutes you can help OYE kids succeed, take some stress off OYE staff and encourage others to donate. Facebook causes will make donations automatically from your account and you can cancel at anytime. Choose to make a donation of $5-$10 a month and make a huge impact. I choose to give $10 a month because I have seen what OYE can do. I have watched kids like Amer, Oscar and Yarli transform into articulate young people who are actively changing their communities. Through the blog, you have heard about the kids incredible growth, and OYE staffs hard work and know that your donation will be used for incredible good.

Here is the link:

2. Talk to your friends and family- It takes seconds to invite 100's of people on the cause which we hope you are able to do. Then you can take the next step and talk to your family and friends. Tell them about the exciting work that you have heard about in OYE. Ask them to join in and make a difference. 

 They can choose to give a one-time donations, organize fundraisers, or volunteer

For more information check out our website, or contact our offices for more fundraising and community building tools,

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