Welcome to the Organization for Youth Empowerment blog! OYE is a nonprofit organization working in El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras. Visit www.oyehonduras.org to check out our official website and read up on our mission, programs, staff, etc. Come back to this site to get an insight into daily life at OYE.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Calling all American University students!
Make sure to sign up for the trip of a life time!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Convivio with San Alberto Hurtado
The afternoon provided incredible opportunities to connect both communities of Progreseño students. In addition the communities were able to share missions, current projects, and future activities. As the day came to close with both organizations singing and dancing together it was obvious to see that the day successfully brought the communites together. OYE and its students are excited to participate in more events like this one in the future!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Charity Poker Tournament in support of OYE!

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Marcha de la Joventud
At 7:30 AM OYE students crowded into the office. Dressed alike in blue OYE Mi Voz shirts, they formed a sea of blue with picket signs floating in hand. At 8 o-clock the sea of youth poured out of the office to join the march. Hundreds of students from local high schools and other youth foundations convened at El Progreso's central park. Youth from accross the city came to this event, organized by Unifec and Comvida, to demonstrate their voice and promote their rights. Themes of the march included equal rights with no discrimination based on race, color, sex, language, or religion.
Furthermore, the youth participating in this event demanded that their government be responible to protect youth from physical and mental abuse, mistreatment, and exploitation.
OYE students appeared to enjoy themselves and feel very at home participating in such an event. The themes of the event mirrored many themes that OYE touches upon in our capacity programs and coincides very well with our global vision and the mission of our foundation. To see OYE students occupying public space and to demonstrate their voice, their power, and demand to be heard and respected was a awesome site.
As the event came to a close, representatives from various youth oriented organizations were asked to speak. Representatives from local high schools said a few words, a couple religious organizations shared their sentiments, and Yarli Yanes spoke for OYE.
In conclusion the event was well organized and the youth were well represented. True to the culture of Honduras' youth the event was fun with music and dancing. The youth demonstrated their potential as leaders and potential to raise their voices in unision to ask for their rights to be defended. After events such as this I can't help but think that both the future and the present look very bright for this country.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
OYE el Ritmo Anniversary concert
Also available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ghm9gUw-Ms
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Watch the numbers grow: Sustainable giving
Here is the link: http://www.causes.com/causes/375250?m=71bb3202&recruiter_id=31211958
2. Talk to your friends and family- It takes seconds to invite 100's of people on the cause which we hope you are able to do. Then you can take the next step and talk to your family and friends. Tell them about the exciting work that you have heard about in OYE. Ask them to join in and make a difference.
Friday, August 6, 2010
NEW Revista! OYE News
Check out OYE's newest issue of Revista Jovenes. OYE's students have done it again. The designed, produced, and edited all the content of their youth magazine for the months of June, July, and August. This issue includes articles about and an interview with Guillermo Anderson, the traditional column of OYE Ritmo, reviews of cinema, a personality test, and much more. Now the work of these OYE students can be viewed for free online at www.Issuu.com or above.
Revista Jovenes has created a spot for OYE scholars to share their voice, and use it in a positive way to educate and empower their community. Talking to the students that create this magazine is a great reminder as to why opportunities like this are so important. OYE's magazine program allows our students to exercise our motto, "Mi voz es Poder." When asked what they like about working on the magazine, one of the group responded, "When I have a thought, when I have something to say all I have to do is write it down, and I know I'll be able to share it with everyone." Jovenes provides our youth with an opportunity to magnify their voices. Through this program OYE's scholars are growing into confident and capable communicators, and we are all proud that we reach a wider audience by publishing this magazine online.