Here are a few of the collages that they created to represent themselves:

Wendy says,
Who I am Today... Today I am a person full of opportunities. Now I am studying, which is giving me many opportunities. Last year I didn't study and I didn't have any of the same opportunities that I have now. For example, studying and working are two of the opportunities that have been presented to me, but of course I prefer to study because this will serve me well in the future.
Within 10 Years...I want to be a high school teacher. I want to have graduated. I want to be the director of a high school. There is so much I want to be, I can't even explain it all.
Within 10 years I want to be done with my studies and moving forward. I want to have a family. I want to have a job and work with important people and people in need. I hope to have a house with all the necessities and that my family is happy.

Today I am a student. I am also an OYE scholarship recipient.
Within 10 years, I want to have a job in tourism. I also want to be an expert in English and other languages. I want to be the best student in my class and with OYE's support, of course that's what I'll be. Well, I want to get married, but without having kids until the time is right.
Dear OYE:
great to see your own blogsite and also your various program activities. very interesting post-graphics on the scholarship students' dreams y aspirations!
good luck, be well, and safe! salud, kathy
The 2008 Becados look DYN-O-MITE!!
great scans of the kids work. will there be any videos of workshops? i`d love to see footage of the kids at work.
Hows Leticia doing? I see her front and center in the group pic.
Please send Leti my love and give her thanks for all her dedication over the years.
suerte equipo OYE
Sure Justin! I can try to get a bit of footage next week.
As for Leticia, she's doing great. Last week we had the students help us create a name for the festival we're hosting in June for OYE's third anniversary. Lety was with a group of teenage boys. It was funny to watch them work together to come up with a name and logo.....she let them do some of the drawing on their own for a little while, but finally her bossy side got the better of her and she stole the markers. I give her credit for showing some restraint.
I'll write a post next week about the festival, so check back to hear what we have planned so far. A quick peak: Melissa is helping with production and Chele is coming in today to work on some design stuff with us. I <3 Honduran volunteers.
wow, these are beautiful! Keep up the great work team OYE! and I'm SO excited to be attending OYE Mi Ritmo! (sorry if i'm spoiling the surprise Erin!)It's gonna rock Progreso's socks off.
omg and i totally love the hilary picture! thats awesome...
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